Beyond the Search

We strive to help the client executives who engage us and our placed candidates thrive over the years. “Beyond the Search” means we are committed to providing you with special complimentary services after we have done business with you. Here are some of the services we provide as a favor to our clients and placed executives…

  • Introductions to influential business and civic leaders in our networks who might be prospective customers, suppliers or otherwise good business contacts for you, or to senior-level peers in town — this can be especially helpful for candidates who have relocated.
  • Providing a confidential sounding board regarding career strategies for advancement within your company or beyond, and counsel about positioning yourself for nonprofit board service that might lead to making other good contacts in business, and perhaps lead to corporate boards.
  • Sharing best practices among business people we know in your industry to learn from one another and enhance each other’s success.
  • Resume review and career suggestions for your college-age sons and daughters and/or your spouse who might be in transition.

You are welcome to call us if you have other special requests where we may help you capitalize on business opportunities, enhance your visibility, or help a family member. That’s what “Beyond the Search” means to us. We care about your success.